The power of “yes” – please open it in the morning.

We are used to say “no”.

According to Osho, “No” is feeding the ego, “Yes” is a method to discover yourself.

I will give you an example here. Let’s imagine you are in the car and your love partner tells you to stop the car cause she/he wants to enter in a museum and you don’t want this.

The dialogue would be like this:

– Please stop here, I want to go to this museum!

– No! I don’t want to go there!

Now…replace “no” with “yes” but instead of refuse just say what you want. Here is how it would look like:

–  Please stop here, I want to go to this museum!

– I would like to go to the beach and drink a lemonade. 🙂

Do you see the difference? Do you think this attitude can avoid a fight?

Try it!

Click on video and listen to today’s practice!

At the end of the day you will know how to avoid a fight, how to talk with your boss, your love partner, how to create your own happiness.