Day 7 – Take care of your body

Day 7 – Take care of your body

In this section I will guide you through your body experience. For this one, just one day is not enough. you need at least one week and after that it should become part of your daily routine. I will tell you a secret, the big secrets are in the easiest and simplest...
Day 6 – How to eat mindfully and why

Day 6 – How to eat mindfully and why

We dedicate today to the knowledge of eating. Let me ask you, how do you eat? What are you thinking about when you are eating? Is this familiar to you: you have a lunch break at work, you get up from your desk and go to have lunch. And instead of taking time to eat,...
Day 5 – Stay in the present of HERE and NOW

Day 5 – Stay in the present of HERE and NOW

Realize that the present moment is all we have. If before you were travelling in time making short visits to your past or future, now change that! Say YES to the present moment. End the illusion of time. This is the key. Time and mind are inseparable. The more you...
Day 4 – The power of YES – Please open in the morning

Day 4 – The power of YES – Please open in the morning

The power of “yes” – please open it in the morning. We are used to say “no”. According to Osho, “No” is feeding the ego, “Yes” is a method to discover yourself. I will give you an example here. Let’s imagine you are in the car and your love partner tells you to...
Day 2 – What is the secret of breathing

Day 2 – What is the secret of breathing

In this second day we are discovering the importance of breathing in your life. From the moment you are born, you start breathing.
It is automatic and we don’t give such a big importance to it.
What can you achieve by breathing correctly?